Russell Hobbs 26230-56 Attentiv Coffee Bar

Just right for everyone. The Attentiv Coffee Bar is a multi-talented addition to your kitchen collection. Not only can it make strong black, milky latte-style and frothy cappuccino-style coffee, it can do cold brews too. Its barista-style capabilities allow you to set it to the coffee strength that’s perfect for you whether that’s mellow or full bodied. It’ll even remember how strong you like it. Strength and Size Personalised. The Attentiv Coffee Bar gives you the power to personalise it your way with strength and cup size settings. You can switch up your coffee to full-bodied or tune it down to mellow. Whether you just want a mug or you fancy filling a carafe, it’ll make just the amount you want. Touch Screen Control. An easy to keep clean, touch screen interface means you’re only a few taps away from your perfect coffee. Just set your preference and it’ll remember it for next time too.
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